Thursday, January 15, 2015

Marikenloop 2012-2015

If all goes well, Marikenloop will be my first race in May a month after Rotterdam marathon.  Today, I officially registered for it, and as early as now, I am mentally preparing to run my fastest 10K, there.

I am wary of announcing a goal because of past experiences in doing so. But I would like to do so with this particular run, in this particular year.

4 months separates me from now until the 17th of May, and unlike what I have missed in the past, I would like to make a more detailed document in my attempt to reach a (running) goal.

Below is a brief "My Marikenloop in Images" 
the stories will follow...

update 24.01.14 4:04 am

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If I can run, so can you: big dreams are reached with baby steps!